James Smith

Tower Light member James Smith

James Smith

James Smith

James Smith graduated with a B.S. degree in business and economics from Towson State College in 1974. Prior to enrolling at Towson, Jim joined the Navy. He served on a nuclear-powered missile submarine. Tours of duty under the water lasted two to three months. Jim perfected his studying skills in the Navy, as he had to learn the duties of other members of the crew.

Upon his honorable discharge from the Navy, Jim knew he needed a college education to achieve his career goals. He selected Towson because it provided him a quality education at a reasonable cost. After graduation, Jim began a 22-year career in the finance industry. "Towson provided me with a strong academic foundation for a successful career and early retirement," he says.

Jim expressed his gratitude for the Towson experience by naming the Towson University Foundation as a beneficiary of his IRA. "I recognize the substantial tax advantages of funding my gift through my IRA."